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  2. Drawing Management & Uploading

The automated drawing re-naming tool

Tutorial Video

When you have drawings uploaded, you can use Togal's AI capabilities to automatically rename the whole set of drawings. 

How to use Automated Re-naming:

  1. Create the project and set you want to work on.
  2. Upload your drawings. Once you have selected drawings to upload and clicked "Upload", Togal will upload them in the background while you continue working. 
  3. Select all drawings.
  4. Click "Auto name".Autoname
  5. Click "Point to Number". Navigate to the drawing number within the drawing. Draw a box over the area you expect the number to be in on all drawings in the set. You will see all the drawings automatically being renamed. 
  6. Click "Point to Title". Navigate to the drawing title within the drawing. Draw a box over the area you expect the title to be in on all drawings in the set. You will see all the drawings automatically being renamed. 
  7. Click "Apply" and your drawings will be named and ordered in the project set.