Collaborating with external users

You can share your Togal project Set(s) with external users for free -- free to both your organization and the person you invite. You control what Sets to share, and with what permissions. Just use the Share icon and enter their email address.

In Togal.AI you can invite external users outside of your organization, allowing you to selectively and securely share your drawings and takeoff information with your partners. To invite users, just enter their email address in the sharing UI, and they will receive an email invitation with a link to to join your project. There is no extra cost to your organization. You have no limits on how many users you can invite. There is also no cost to the participant for working in your projects. 

Note: Any external user who does not have a Togal subscription will be prompted to create their own account and be granted free access to the Togal application to work on the project Set you invited them to. You have several options for their role and permissions. Rest assured they will not be able to create a new project or upload any files into your organization. You can revoke access to them on a Set by Set basis at any time. 

How to Invite External Users:

1. Click on the share icon either in the main drawing management menu or on the drawing canvas:

Main Drawing Menu
1. Drawing Menu Photo

Drawing Canvas

2. Drawing Canvas Photo


2. A menu will pop-up allowing you to share your set with users. Click the "+ Add User" icon below and the menu will expand for you to input a email for external sharing.

3. Add User menu


3. The menu will expand allowing you to add users and select a role. Enter the email of the external person, hit enter on your keyboard and choose their role on the set:

Tip:Here is a brief explanation of each of the roles available to select when sharing:

  • "Can Manage" -- Can edit own view, plus all other views, and manage users, just like you
  • "Can Edit" -- Can edit own view, and see other views (but not edit them).
  • "Can Edit(isolated)" - User can edit own view, cannot see other users views. Other users are not able to see their view except for the user that originally invited them
  • "Can View" -- Can see all views but not edit them.

NOTE: External users are defined as having an email address with a domain that is  different from your organization's domain. Togal's external collaboration feature won't work on internal email addresses  Internal users can also collaborate, of course, but they need to have a regular licensed seat.  


Once you click on "Add User" the user will be added to the Set as a participant and will receive an invitation to create an account and begin collaborating with you on the project Set. The email invitation will have the subject "Welcome to Togal!" and look like this:

external user invitation welcome to togal

On clicking the "Activate Account" button, the user will be led directly to your project once they set their password and sign in.

You may add as many external users to a Set as you would like.