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Markup Tools

Togal.AI offers a variety of customizable, easy-to-use markup tools. To begin using markups, click on the markup icon on the left-hand control menu, then select from the various options in the center selection menu.

Togal.AI is an essential takeoff software that includes powerful (yet easy-to-use) markup capabilities for your plans and documents. With a comprehensive set of markup tools, Togal empowers users to effectively annotate their documents and plans according to their needs and preferences.

This detailed article provides an in-depth overview of how to utilize the markup tools and explores the various options available to you.

GETTING STARTED: To activate the markup tools, click the Markup symbol (a pencil inside a circle) located on the left-hand control menu.

Markup Location

Once you click the Markup symbol, you'll notice a new menu will appear at the bottom of the screen. Use this menu to access the 9 markup tools available for you to utilize and customize the markups. 

Below we've provided a comprehensive breakdown of each of our markup tools, and instructions on how to customize them

Markup Tools


To enable or disable the markups in Togal, you can access the settings menu and simply check or uncheck the box next to "Show Markup".


Let's Get Started With Markup Tools:

1. Text Box: To choose a standard Text Box, head to the markup tool menu at the bottom of the screen, then simply click on the symbol with an "A" inside a Box.

Then, left-click where you wish to place the text box on your screen and adjust the size of the box according to your preference by moving your mouse.

2. Callout Text Box: To select a Callout Text Box, simply click on the symbol with an "A" accompanied by a Box & Line symbol.

Then, left-click where you wish to place the callout text box on your screen and adjust the size of the Callout Box by moving your mouse.

Finally, position and resize the Callout Textbox to your preferred location.

3. Cloud Callout Text Box: To select a Cloud Callout Text Box, simply click on the symbol with an "A" inside a Cloud & Line symbol.

Then, left-click on the screen and adjust the size of the Callout Box by moving your mouse. Finally, choose the location and size to place the textbox.

4. Shape Markups: You can choose from a variety of markup shapes in Togal! Simply click on the Rectangle icon (located in the center) to open a popup menu where you can select from different markup shapes.

Here's a list of all the available shape options:

  • Rectangle
  • Circle
  • Polygon Mode
  • Free Hand

5. Line Markup: You can utilize a Line Markup in Togal by clicking on the Line icon (located on the right). This will expand a popup menu that allows you to select a Line to use for markups.

6. Arrow Markup: You can make use of the Arrow Markup feature in Togal. Simply click on the Line icon (located on the right) and a popup menu will appear, allowing you to select an arrow for your markups.

How to Customize Your Markups & Text

We've implemented significant improvements to the customization options for markups, giving our users more control over line thickness, border color, and fill color.

To customize and tailor your markup to your preference, simply utilize the menus below the markup!



Furthermore, we offer extensive options for customizing text within the text boxes.

You have the ability to adjust the font, color, size, apply bold, italics, or underline formatting, and even control the position of the text.

To customize your text, simply draw a markup tool and utilize a text box. Once created, an option will appear with a double T icon, allowing you to tailor the text to your preferences.



We hope you enjoy using our nine amazing manual makrup