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Togal.AI Onboarding Video

Welcome to Togal! This onboarding video will walk you through how to use every feature of Togal.AI, step by easy step.

Full Transcript of Onboarding Video With Timestamps Below...

Welcome to Togal! 00:00

Hello! Welcome to Togal. My name is Michael Seni, and I am your Customer Success Manager. This video will provide you a comprehensive guide to get started and familiar with Togal.

We will be performing a full onboarding of the product and talking about the various features to maximize your time in Togal.

For additional information beyond this video for the various tools and features within Togal, please see the descriptions below for additional resources. 

Creating a Project 00:26

Once you log into Togal, this will be your project dashboard. This is where we can see all our projects that we create here in Togal. In order to create a new project, you click on this green button here where it says New Project. From here, a menu will appear allowing you to insert the project's name. 

In addition, we can choose our default measurement system for our project. Since we're an American-based company, we automatically default to Imperial. For all our international users, you can also click here and you'll have the ability to drop down and select metric measurement system two.

In addition, you can select colors here to provide some visual aid and organization while creating projects here in Togal. 

Drawing Management 01:14

Once you create your project, this will take you to your project menu. This is where we can begin to upload our drawings, create sets, create folders within those sets, organize your drawings using various sorting methods, and utilizing things such as our auto-naming tool to automatically rename your drawings with ease. 

Creating Drawing Sets - Drawing Management 01:40

You will notice that you first have a default set created.

In Togal, you have unlimited project data storage and can create as many sets, folders, and upload as many PDF documents as you want.

To create additional sets, you'll hit this plus sign here. And these sets act as binders. Think of them as a way to organize your documents as a project evolves over time. And we want to keep track of the revisions we receive.

So now we have our default set. We can come over here and call it our DD set, for example. And we're going to upload our DD set of drawings. Once you create that DD set, all PDF documents uploaded within this set will be separated from the default set of plans. 

Creating Folders Within Sets - Drawing Management 02:23

In addition, within each set, we can come over here and click this folder icon to create folders within our sets. These folders provide us even further organization of our PDF documents within each set.

So if I click this folder symbol, I can come over here and begin naming folders within my sets. So if I want to do them by the various disciplines of a project, I can create a folder for architectural, for MEPs, structural, civil, site, et cetera, or you can even create a folder called My Takeoffs.

You, the user, have complete control of how you would like to organize your PDF documents across these various folders. 

Upload Drawings - Drawing Management 03:07

To begin uploading your drawings, you click here on the Upload Drawing button. A menu will appear, allowing you to A, you can drag or drop files directly into here, or you can use this search button to actually pick a file off of your computer. 

As you can see, it will now list the document saying it's prepared to begin uploading. We can choose now to click on the green button and immediately upload our drawings directly into the set, or if you would like, you can also choose folder dropdown and select the folder to upload your documents into. 

Now, once you see this button up here - close window and continue upload - you can actually close out of this menu and let the system continue processing and uploading drawings in the background. And since Togal is an online cloud-based takeoff software, we can go ahead and jump to another project and continue performing takeoffs while these plans finish uploading.

Auto-Naming - Drawing Management 04:26

Now that we've uploaded our drawings, we can go ahead and start to rename them.

If we hit this checkbox option here, we can choose to either select the drawings associated to our folder, or if we hit the top checkbox here, we have multiple folders of drawings uploaded, we can come here and select all our drawings in the set.

And then we can click on the auto name option and a menu will appear.

Now we just need to locate the location of our drawing, number, and title on our title block. To pan around on the screen, you can hold down the middle mouse wheel and this will activate your pan as you can see here. Or if you hit the space bar and left click and drag, this will also act as a pan for you available on this menu.  

Now you just draw a box, you left click and hold the draw box around the sheet title or number, and you say set as number, and we repeat the same process for the title.

We recommend you draw a box large enough to capture the title on future sheets. As you can see here, I drew a box big enough where all titles would be filled in here. So on future pages, I'll be able to capture the full name if there is multiple rows of text.

Once you've done that, you just click on apply naming, and click Done, and Togal will begin to auto-name the drawings for you. 

How to Sort Drawings - Drawing Management 06:00

In addition to this menu, we have the capability of sorting our drawings. So if we come over here and hit this little triangle symbol, we have the ability to sort our drawings by default, drawing number, title, last edited, and added.

Default will follow the original order of the PDF documents created by its owner, whether that was the architect, MEP, structural engineer, et cetera.

Drawing number will follow the number order or A to Z or Z to A, so ascending or descending order of the drawing numbers on the sheets.

This applies also to our titles, as you can see here, and we can do last edited. So this is what the last page you've actually done or performed a takeoff on and then added would be based on the upload order the system was able to upload the drawings in terms of efficiency.

We personally recommend that you set your drawings to sort in default order if you have no preference in terms of how you would like to organize your drawings. This will always keep your project files in order with the PDF documents.

To move sheets from folder to folder or into a different set, you hit the checkbox options here to grab those individual pages.

You can also hold shift on your keyboard and click another checkbox option a few rows down, and you'll see it'll grab all the sheets in between. And we have the option of moving our drawings  to different folders, or we can move them to different sets.  

In addition, in this menu, we have the capability of rotating our drawings. If the PDF documents happen to come in rotated in an incorrect direction, we can click here and choose to rotate our drawings clockwise or in a counterclockwise format. Once you finish uploading and organizing your drawings, we can now start doing our takeoffs here in Togal. 

Setting Your Scale 08:03

Now that we've finished uploading and organizing our PDF documents, we can go ahead and click on one of the sheets to begin doing takeoffs in Togal.

When you first open up this menu, you'll notice a message will appear, possibly letting you know that we've auto-detected and set the scale for you. Our system has a built-in auto-detection scale, and we'll go ahead and scan this bottom region of the plan for you, locating the scale and setting it for you on this page.

Our system is not testing the scale, confirming that the scale provided by the architect is correct. We still leave that up to you, the user, to confirm the dimensions provided are accurate. To do that, we can come over here and grab our measuring tool. 

As you can see, when we hover our mouse over this icon, there's a letter D in parentheses. With most of our items on these menus, you will see a letter associated to them. This is the hotkey to activate these in the future. Then click on measure.

I can now zoom into my plan, still utilizing the same pan and zooming out function as described with auto naming. And we can left-click to add a point, move our mouse, and left-click and add a point to trace along a line and confirm our scale is accurate. 

If we need to set our scale, we can come down here to the bottom left-hand corner, click on this menu, and we can either set a scale, these predetermined scales and ratios we have set for you, or if the architect does not provide you a scale, you can come again down to the bottom left-hand corner and set your scale manually based off of the dimensions provided on your plans.

So I can come in here and find dimension point, I can left click to add a point, left click to add a point again, and then down here in the menu, I can go ahead and enter that value and click save.

Since I know the scale is correct, I will not be saving it. Since I know the scale is correct on this page, I will not be applying it in this example. You can just click cancel, and that will cancel the operation. 

Beginning Your Takeoff 10:15

Now that we've set our scale, we can begin performing takeoffs here in Togal!

Once you set your scale, you have the capabilities of either A, choosing to utilize the AI takeoff, or B, we can come over here and hit this plus sign to actually create classifications in our project.

Any classification that you create in Togal can be utilized for two things: One, to perform a manual takeoff on your plan, or two, to reclassify the AI takeoff. 

Create Classifications 10:49

You'll see when we click on this plus symbol, a menu will appear and we have the option of creating an area, linear, or count classification. I'm going to go ahead and create an area classification for this example.

From here, you can go ahead and type in a name. I'm going to choose LVT Flooring.

We can pick a color. We can choose a pattern. And we have the capability of choosing up to three quantities we want to output at once. So if I want to get my area and I need it for my LVT flooring, I can.

I can also choose to get my perimeter, get that linear footage value of the outside of the polygon.  

In addition, I can go ahead and get my tile count. This will allow me to calculate the neat pieces of tile I need in the room based on the dimensions I provide down here in the tile grid. So if I come over here and put in the dimensions of an LVT plank, which is six by 18. This will go ahead and start calculating the neat pieces of LVT planks I would need for this classification.

We have many options to choose from. We also support volume and perimeter surface area. Once you click save, you'll notice the classification will become generated on your quantity panel. 

panel. In addition, your mouse will now turn into crosshairs: This is letting you know that you've begun to manually start performing a takeoff here in Togal.

In addition, over here on the quantity panel, that classification has become highlighted. This is indicating which classification you are currently drawing with.

So now I can zoom in on my screen and I can start performing a takeoff like you normally would in any other takeoff software. You would left click to add a point, left click to add a point, and begin to trace out the boundaries of a room like you're traditionally used to.

To finish drawing your classification, we can double click with our mouse, or hit enter on our keyboard. And that will complete the polygon. 

Drawing Arcs & Polygons 12:44

In addition, you'll notice that when you're drawing any area or linear classification, at the bottom of the screen, you'll see this panel. And it provides you the capability of switching between an arc, rectangle, or circular shape.

In addition, they'll provide letters in bold. Those are your hotkeys to activate between the various shapes you can utilize in total. So if you hit A, this will activate the arc.

To draw an arc in Togal, you hit your first point, your end point, and then you add your center point.

To draw a rectangle, you hit R, and you do a left click, and then you can pull out and resize the shape of the rectangle.

And then C for circle. And again, similar to the rectangle, you just drag your mouse out, and it'll go ahead and adjust the size of the circle itself. 

Intro to Our AI Features 13:30

To begin utilizing our AI, it's this magic green button here called Togal.

Our AI is your co-pilot for architectural floor plans and RCPs only. We currently do not support elevation plans, MEP, structural, or site and civil drawings at the moment. That is something that is in the works by our development team and we'll see as our AI progresses over time, it will become more accurate and support all scopes of work in construction. 

To utilize the AI, you'll click on the togal button and you have the option to run all features or you can tap over to a custom list and select the actual polygons you would like to generate.In this example, I'm going to run all features for you.

Once you do that, you just click go! You'll see a message here letting you know what the AI is able to process for you. And the AI will begin loading. The AI takes anywhere from 15 seconds to a minute to finish processing on average.

In addition, one of the benefits of us being a cloud-based software is you don't actually have to wait for it to ever finish loading. We can click here and jump to the next page.

We already have our Art of Scale detection working, so I can click on the Togal button and click Go. And again, I can jump to the next page before it even finishes processing and keep on running Togal to continue my work and speed up my takeoff process. 

Now if I want to go back to a page, I'll just click here on this three lines, and this will open up my drawing menu. From here, we can navigate and search our pages while here in the Canvas menu. And you have the capability of doing a list view or a grid view, whichever you prefer. 

Reviewing & Re-Classifying AI-Generated Polygon Outputs & Counts - AI Takeoff 15:20

Now the AI is finished, we can begin reviewing its polygons. Again, the AI is your co-pilot. It's going to trace out general polygons that we're going to utilize for those area, linear, or count classifications. And then you, the user, get to determine the final output of that data.

So as you can see, Togal generates A, the footprint, the total square footage of the slab area itself. It gives you the net area, which is the interior finish space of every single room. As you can see here, it's giving you basically your flooring finish, drywall ceiling area, drywall painting area, waterproofing finish area, et cetera.

We have our door area, which is giving the square footage of every door opening. We have our gross area, which is giving you, similar to net, the total buildable area of a room. So as you see, it goes to the outside wall of the exterior of the building. Those are the halfway marks of another room versus net is going to leave a void area in the wall cavities. 

For our lines, we have three types of line in Togal:

We have our door center line, which is one purple line going on the center of every single door opening.

We have our wall center line, which is one green line going on the center of every single wall.

And we have our wall perimeter, which is tracing along the finish base of every single drywall surface. 

And for our counts, we're looking for 18 different objects generated over four categories worth of items. Those are our plumbing fixtures, doors, furniture, and then our first appliance, which is going to be cooktops. So as you can see here, we found our toilets, sinks, showers, single swing doors, shower doors, double swing doors, sliding doors, cooktops, urinals, single bed, gym equipment, etc. 

So now, once the AI has generated these polygons, we're just going to be reclassifying these areas. No longer do you, the user, have to spend time here and tracing on each and every single room! Now I can just right-click on the polygon and choose to reassign it to LVT Flooring.

And again, this is something I can continue to do over and over again.  I can hold Shift on my keyboard and left-click to grab multiple polygons at once. And again, right-click, reassign, LVT Flooring. 

Reviewing & Re-Classifying Linear Classifications Generated by AI - AI Takeoff 17:26

The same process I showed you can also be applied to our linear classifications. So if I come over here, for example, want to grab my wall perimeter, I can hold control on my keyboard and left click just to isolate that one individual value. 

To turn on and off layers here in Togal, you just hit these circle symbols with a check mark symbol, and that's how you turn on and off your layers. If you see a check mark symbol, that means the layer's on. If you click on it, it also turns into a blank circle, and that's telling you the layer's off. So in the future, if you want to navigate easier, I do highly recommend holding control on your keyboard and left-clicking on that circle, and it will now isolate to that single value. 

And now we can zoom in, and if we want to start, you know, re-utilizing this wall perimeter as our wall paint, I can just now right-click, create a sign. I can call it my wall paint. I can pick a color.

Again, I have up to three quantities of data I can choose from. Maybe I want to change it to vertical area, get that square footage of the wall. I can pick a height value down here. Let's say I choose 10 feet, click Save, and that line will now change from being wall perimeter to now wall paint. And again, I can hold Shift, left-click, and grab multiple of these polygons at once, right-click, and reassign it to wall paint. 

In addition, we can click and drag here in Togal too. So we have two options of clicking and dragging. If we go from left to right, you'll see a gray selection box. This will only grab items that are fully within its area. Versus if you go from right to left, there's a green selection box. This will grab any classification it's touching.

So I'm going to turn back on that net area to show you an example. And you'll see if I want to grab my bathrooms, since I line up almost in a clear row here, I can go ahead and just draw a gray selection box, grab my bathrooms, right click, create and assign, and I can call this my bathroom flooring. And again, I can pick another color. another pattern, choose my quantity outputs, click Save. 

If I want to grab these units and reclassify them to LVT flooring, I can now use my green selection box and just draw a thin green line going down the center of all the units, and it'll grab all the polygons at once, and again, right-click, reclassify it to LVT flooring. 

AI Text & Image Search - AI Takeoff 19:42

As you can see, with AI being your co-pilot, there's endless possibilities and different classifications or takeoff data we can generate utilizing our AI.

We're going to move on to our text and image search here in Togal.

To utilize those, you come over here to the search symbol on the left-hand control menu. Once you click there, you'll have the options of utilizing text search or image search. I'm first going to start with an example of text.

Here in Togal, we can use our text search to search for any word or phrase and turn that into a count condition. So for example, if I want to count the number of standard king units I have, I would just type in the word standard king. Hit enter, and as you see, Togal will go ahead and locate and find those areas it says standard king.

And now I can choose a classification, create a classification, and actually turn this into a count. I can call this my "standard king count". 

As a friendly tip, Just so you're aware, our text search will look for everywhere on the plan where it will say the word standard king. So if you happen to have the room matrix on your document, please make sure to go over and either delete the excess polygons you don't need or unselect them during the actual text search process. 

To utilize our image search, again, we'll click here on the search symbol, go over to image, and now we find any custom object or symbol on our plan. We'll zoom in and draw a box around it. In this case, I'm going to go ahead and look for my window tag.

I'm going to draw a box around my window tag, click Search, and our AI is going to go ahead and scan and find this object for us across this individual sheet. As you can see, even though we selected a diamond with the letter B within it, it's still able to recognize other diamond symbols that are equivalent to the original one. 

If we want to refine our search even further, we can come over here and select a filter 
our search based on the text that is detected. So if I'm looking for just my B-type windows, I can filter down to just my B-type windows. And as you can see, it will deselect all the other window tags and only focus in on my B-type windows.

And then I can come over here to choose a classification, create a classification, and then I'll call it my B-type windows.

And with our count classification in this case, I can actually change the shape to a rectangle and actually change my output from count to area I can do, you know, perimeter, and we can come down here and input our values for the actual shape of the window.

Just an FYI, height applies to the actual height of like a column condition, or like your z value, thinking of a chart.

Our width and length is what's the actual dimensions of a window. So if it happens to be five by five by two, it's a punch window, we can click search, convert, And as you see, it will now convert that image search into an actual count, and because we actually put in those dimensions for the window itself, you'll notice over here it's telling me there's a total of 387 square feet. 

Adjusting Polygons: Merge Tool - Advanced Manual Takeoff Tools 22:54

In Togal, we've made it easy and intuitive to allow you to adjust all your polygons. You can always zoom in and delete the individual points of a polygon by left-clicking on those points And as you see, once you left-click there, it will delete it.

If you would like to add an additional point, you just drag your mouse along the edge of the polygon, you left-click to add a point, and you can always click and drag to resize the polygon.

In addition, we've created a set of advanced manual takeoff tools, providing the ability to further adjust your polygons with ease. And these are located here in the left-hand control menu.

The first is Merge: Merge allows you to continue on an existing area of a polygon.

So the rule of thumb is you left click to select the polygon you would like, you come over here and grab the merge tool, and you add your first point within the polygon, draw the area outside of the polygon that you want to capture, and then finish your last point back inside the polygon.

In addition, the merge tool acts as a friendly fill tool. There's times where the AI may mess up and may cause not a straight edge. Instead of zooming in and deleting those points, we can just left click to grab the polygon and activate our merge tool. I'm gonna change it to a rectangular shape. And now I can just fill in this void area that the AI generated initially with ease.  

Cut & Subtract Tool - Advanced Manual Takeoff Tools 24:24

The next tool is our cut and subtract tool. This is the exact opposite of the merge tool. This tool allows you to cut out a portion of an existing polygon or to create a hole for us to fill it with a different classification.

So to utilize that you would left click to grab the polygon you would like, come over here and select the cut and subtract tool. Now you add your first point outside the polygon. Go ahead and start tracing interior space within that polygon you're expecting to cut and remove. And now once you finalize your last point outside the polygon, you'll notice Togal will go ahead and delete that area for you.

In addition, we can create a void space or a hole until we'll utilize our cut and subtract tool.

So again, you just left-click to grab the polygon of your choice. And let's say there's a carpet inlay in this room. I can come over here and grab my cut and subtract. I'm going to come down here and activate a rectangle shape. And there's a cut-out perfect rectangle here in the administration room.

Now you'll notice that when you go back to your pointer or your mouse, that when you drag your mouse over that hole, it'll turn gray. You have the option now of right clicking and immediately filling this hole with a different classification. 

Split Tool - Advanced Manual Takeoff Tools 25:48

Our last advanced manual takeoff tool is our split tool. Our split tool is like taking a pair of scissors and cutting a custom shape within an existing area polygon or linear polygon.

To activate the split tool, you need to first select your polygon of choice. Come over here and activate the split tool. Then you need to start your first point outside the polygon. Now trace through like where you're going to be cutting along the edges of the polygon and you can change your shape as needed.

And then you just need to go outside the polygon and end your last point as you can see now, this elevator lobby is now broken out from the corridor.

To utilize the split tool on a linear classification, it's the same process. We just need to locate a linear classification, we left click to grab the line, then we come over here and activate our split tool, and you just start splitting across the line itself.

And you can split across a linear classification as many times as you like, and it will now break it down into individual segments.

In addition, with our split tool, you can also split across multiple area polygons at once too. So in this case, let's say our entry vestibule here for these hotel units have a different finish. I can hold shift and left click to select them. Now I can come over here and activate my split tool. And now I can just draw a line cutting through all these units at once.

So now I can break out my vestibule area from the rest of my hotel unit. And now we can reclassify these spaces as our vestibule entry tile. 

Classification Groups 27:40

Now that we've done a couple of classifications and takeoffs here in Togal, we need to start to organize our data. So as you see here, I have all these classifications we generated throughout this video.

If you would like, you can create classification groups, which act as folders to organize our different classifications.

To create a classification group, you click here on the folder symbol here, just add a group, a menu will appear and you can input the name of your choice. Once you create that group, you'll see the folder will generate at the top of your quantity panel.

You can now left click and drag and hold to move a classification up into that folder.

In addition, if you right click and go to edit, you can come over here and choose to add a classification to a group too. 

So we're gonna go ahead and do a few more takeoffs and then we'll look at the exporting and show how we can export our data here in Togal. 

Export Data to Excel 28:44

Now that we've finished our takeoffs in Togal, we can start to prepare our data for exporting to Excel. To do that, come over here to the export menu.

You'll notice when you first open up this menu, it's only going to show you the takeoff data for the current page you're looking at in a lump sum format. If you want to add in additional pages of takeoff, you come over here and click where it says one drawing. This will open a drop down menu and you can select individual pages.

We do have a quick selection option up here to select all our drawings with takeoff. Again, now we're still in that lump sum format. Maybe you want to group our data based on drawings. Maybe you want to group it by the classification type, classification groups, et cetera.

So we have full control of that over here in the group option. If I click here in group, I can select how I want to group my takeoff data. So me, I like to see it in a per drawing format and then group it by the classification groups.

So those folder structures we built out organizing our classifications. And as you can see now, my data is showing might take off for the first floor versus the second floor, third floor, fourth floor, et cetera. And all showing those folders, total areas, div nine finishes, total lines, total counts, and ungrouped because we didn't add those items into that div nine finish folder.

We also have the ability to apply filters. If you want, you can look for specific classifications or classification groups. And we can apply additional columns if we wanna see additional information beyond just the three quantities.

We can apply a height, width, thickness, length, etc. You have full control over what you want to see in output. And once you're done, you click here on the Excel button, click download.

This will generate an Excel report that exactly mimics what we see here in Togal. As you can see here, the Excel report comes exactly organized as we saw.

So all the data you're able to modify in Togal is completely just related to quantity takeoffs. We are not able to add in pricing, you know, calculate our man hours, etc. It is strictly quantitative takeoff information here in Togal.

Export to PDF 31:02

In addition, we can export our takeoff quantities to PDF too.

What you'll do, you probably should first activate your legend and to activate your legend, you can come over here to the settings menu and come over here and click on show legend. Your legend will appear in the top left-hand corner. You can click to resize a legend.

You can right click on it, adjust which quantities you want to display. Now you can move the location of it. You, the user, have full control over it and the legend will display the quantity or the classifications you have turned on.

So all the layers you have turned on are the values you'll see here in your legend.

Once you're ready, you click here on export to PDF in the top right-hand corner. We can choose to export an individual page, or we can also export multiple pages at once.

Once you select the drawings you need, you click here on download, and it'll generate a PDF copy of our takeoff. And here is that PDF copy of our takeoff. 

Collaboration: Adding Users & Setting Permissions 32:06

Since Togal is an online cloud-based takeoff software, you actually have the capabilities to collaborate with your colleagues.

So if you have a multi-user deal in Togal, we can invite users from within the same organization to work on the same project at the same time.

So I can come over here and hit my share button, which is this little person with the plus icon, and now I just hit the plus sign to add a user. For example, if I want to invite my colleague Johnny, I just type in his name, and we have three different permissions available. We have "can manage", "can edit", and "can view". Click here to add the user, And now the user is immediately invited to join us on this project.

As you can see here, I can filter between the different views, and we can even do a combined view of Johnny was here doing live takeoff in the background. 

Togal.CHAT: Use AI to "talk" to your plans 32:55

We also have Togal.CHAT, which is utilizing a large language model in order to scan the PDF text information on your document and relay that information back to you, basically, giving your drawings a voice.

You can ask about specific questions related to the project. You cannot use Togal. CHAT to actually perform a quantity takeoff, so you cannot ask it to generate the flooring square footage or things of those nature, but you can use it to review notes and details on your project.

You have the capability of asking questions across a project, which would be all the sets, an individual set level, or a drawing level. So for example, if I want to find out information about my ADA pull lift, I would just come here and ask.

In addition, since Togal.CHAT is a large language model, we can also ask it to generate an RFI, a COR, do mathematical calculations, and et cetera. So you still have those full capabilities like a large language model, but you can also utilize it here in Togal - I'll show you an example.

"Generate a RFI email for the pool wall tile specifications". As you can see, Togal.CHAT went ahead and generated, you know, a standard email, it's not going to be 100% perfect, but as you can see, it gives you a rough draft, and logically crafts that email for you. And then you can come down here and actually click this copy symbol. and if you open up a word document email etc you can paste it directly in here and modify the text as needed.

There's many different ways you can utilize Togal.CHAT. We highly recommend our users upload spec books, project manuals, things of that nature, and go ahead and test it out yourself utilizing Togal.CHAT on it. It definitely helps speed up the process and no longer you have to do the scavenger hunt of finding information. You can just use, Togal.CHAT to locate that information for you.

So for example, if I want to ask questions about my ADA Pull Lift on a project level, I would just click here, ask the project, come down here and ask, "any information provided on the ADA Pull Lift?" And you'll see Togal go ahead and scan through this document, find any details, any notes that associate with the ADA Pull Lift, or even give me a reference link to where I found that information itself, and you can click on it, access that drawing with ease.

And there you go! As you can see, it found, you know, location, the ADA pull lift, requirements for anchors and sleeves, a hydraulic unit that needs a spigot with a water box, et cetera, right? And I can even click on this page, directly go to that page itself, review the information I need so I know what I'm looking at. And then if I want, I can always come back to Togal.CHAT, reopen up where I asked that question, and review that information.

Training & Support 36:00

If you have any questions or need assistance while using Togal, you can come over here and click this question mark symbol in the bottom right-hand corner. This will be available throughout the whole platform while you're navigating it.

You can come over here and select Chat with support. This will allow you to speak with a live customer support agent if you have any questions.

In addition, we also have our Togal Help Center. This is our website. We have a list of articles and videos on how to utilize features here in Togal. So if you want to learn more about area classifications, you can come here and actually start to read information on area classifications. And there's a short video that goes in detail specifically about that feature here in Togal.

In addition, every Tuesday our customer success team hosts a one-hour training session geared for supporting our existing customers. Basically, we spend 15 minutes discussing a specific topic or feature within Togal, we spend five minutes answering any questions about that topic, and then the remainder of the time is an open office time where we can answer any questions live right there on the spot while utilizing Togal in the background.

And lastly, we have our customer support email, which is support [at] Toggle [dot] ai. If you have any other issues, any critical needs, things of this nature, we highly recommend you send an email there. It's a company-wide email where it will reach the proper channels here in our company.

Thank you for watching! 37:19

Thank you for tuning in to our tutorial video! We hope you found this information valuable and insightful. Remember, learning is a journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

For more detailed information on how to use these tools, please see the description of the video for additional links below.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@togal.ai. Thank you for being a part of the Togal community!