What's new in Togal version 1.1.0
- Users now have the ability to easily transfer a set from one project to another.
- We have enhanced the formula for calculating the perimeter of rectangles.
- Export function improved with drawing selector enhancements and the introduction of 'Set Folders' for grouping drawings.
- Enhancements made to improve batch drawing uploads.
- Text search now allows users to search by phrases/sentences ensuring a seamless experience even with long sentences.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed incorrect line length calculation for line rectangles.
- Text markup alignment issues in exported PDFs were resolved.
- Export: Drawing Number search function issue fixed.
- Original pages download: the system always generated the same file from the first action.
Clicking 'Mark as read' in notifications no longer triggers a file download.
Legend Counts: counts no longer appear over the legend when it overlaps with the takeoff area.
Resolved notification issue for PDF downloads.
Set Folders in Editor: the issue with the drawing navigator being out of sync has been fixed.