What's new in Togal version 1.1.5
- If there are no values, Unit of Measure is now hidden in the Quantity Panel.
Bug fixes:
- Exported PDF Legend now displays all values correctly without any missing information.
- Scrolling was ineffective on lengthy Breakdown lists, and uppercase searching within the list was also non-functional.
- When the "Show Markup" checkbox was unticked, the User Settings menu may appear cropped, requiring additional space to be added below the Crosshair checkbox.
- The dimension line shown on the canvas was mistakenly displayed as the Wall Centerline on the Quantity Panel.
- The calculation for Arc length was incorrect.
- When attempting to move multiple classifications to a folder in the Quantity Panel, only one classification was successfully moved.
- Export PDF: The PDF file that was generated contained drawings from a different project.
- Quantity Panel: copy-paste functionality was not operational for classifications within groups and child items of classifications.