Release Notes | May 27, 2022

1.  How you draw classifications has changed

  • If you're drawing a new area, line, or count on the canvas, you no longer use a manual tool on the left to add a polygon, line, or count, and then classify it. 
  • Instead, just pick the classification first (like "Drywall") and, depending on whether it's an area, line our count, and the appropriate drawing action is initiated. 


2. Easier to re-assign or create-and-assign classifications to existing objects on the canvas

We’ve redesigned the right-click context menu. New capabilities are:

  • You can easily create and assign a new classification from the context menu
  • The common actions of Edit, Copy, Duplicate, and Delete are now available. 


  • You can browse for all the available classifications when you’re re-assigning. 


3. Drawing a polygon or a rectangle

If you've picked an area classification, you can draw it as a polygon or rectangle. Polygon-mode is on by default, and you will see two icons at the bottom of the canvas, one for polygon-mode, the other for rectangle-mode. 


To draw a rectangle, you have several choices:

  •  Click the rectangle icon
  •  Hold Ctrl key (while drawing polygon) switches into rectangle mode
  •  Use the O (letter O) shortcut to toggle between the two modes. 

Here’s an updated list of Togal’s keyboard shortcuts

4. New ways of interacting with the canvas to draw, select and pan:

  • If you want to pan while you're in the middle of drawing a polygon or line, hold down the left button and drag in order to pan, then release to resume what you are drawing 
  • Pressing and holding the space bar puts you temporarily into pan mode
  • Pressing P puts you in pan mode
  • There's a new Pan button in the upper left
  • Pressing L activates your last-used classification. So if you were drawing "Carpet' on the canvas, and go do something else, you can return to drawing "Carpet" by pressing L. 
  • Hold the shift key (while drawing polygon) to snap edges to multiples of 45 degrees.

5. Classification Groups 

You can now create classification groups (folders) in the Quantities Panel in order to contain and organize individual classifications. For example, create a group called "Doors" to contain all your different door classifications. 

6. Add classifications to the Quantities Panel before they are assigned

There are 4 ways to do this:

  •  (New) Open the adjacent Library Panel and drag 
  •  The “+” icon at the top of the Quantities Panel
  •  Right-click the context menu while in the canvas
  •  Add to your Library and then drag over into your Quantities Panel

7. The new Classification Library

You can create and manage a set of classifications in a library that is shared within your organization. Save time by copying the items you want by dragging them into your Quantities Panel. You can drag over entire groups or individual classifications. 

8. Drag and drop and re-sort groups/folders and individual classifications in the Quantities Panel

The Quantities Panel is fully interactive, allowing you to grab folders and items, move them for re-sorting, and individual classifications into the relevant folder. 

9. Multiple selection in the Quantities Panel

Select and move multiple items (folders and individual classifications) using the Ctrl and Shift keys just like you do with other applications, such as Excel. Ctrl-click lets you select disparate items individually. Shift-click lets you select a range of adjacent items. 

10. More sorting options in the Quantities Panel

Pick the sort icon, and you can change the sort order to be based alphabetically or by quantity value (ascending / descending). The "Default" option preserves however you've done your manual sorting, so ascending / descending is inactive and does not apply. 



11. New and revised keyboard shortcuts

We’ve made some changes and additions. Here’s the updated list of Togal’s keyboard shortcuts.

12. Can edit (including renaming) Togal’s AI-based classifications

Togal's AI-based classifications used to be non-editable. Now you can edit them just like any other classification you create. 

13. Export improvements

We’ve made major improvements to the Export Panel to provide more power in organizing your takeoff data prior to exporting into Excel.

  • Inline spreadsheet view with cells you can select and copy, then paste into Excel. You have full control over what you can select, from individual cells to ranges of cells. Use right-click to get a Copy option, or Ctrl-C. 
  • New "pickers" (dropdown menus) for controlling what you see in our online spreadsheet / grid view, including more column choices for displaying quantities. 
  • Columns can be re-arranged. Grab the header and move them left or right. 

Try out the new dropdown “pickers” for Group-by, Filter and Columns. 


Area Breakdown is now supported in Export. If you've created a project area breakdown, use the Group-by tool to create groupings by the breakdown. Other groupings are also supported. The possibilities include:

  • By classification group
  • By type (i.e. area, line, count)
  • By breakdown, up to 3 levels (tiers)
  • By drawing