What's new in Togal version 1.0.31
- New! We now allow you to download/export multiple-pages into a single high-resolution PDF file.
- New! We released a new Mobile-friendly version of the Togal.AI application, focused on viewing existing takeoffs on your phone and having conversations with your documents using TogalGPT.
- The Quantity Panel now remembers how you've set your filtering.
- TogalGPT's context dropdown defaults to "Ask the Set" when you're in a drawing.
- Clicking the auto-detected scale "Don't show me again" option applies to all drawings in the Set.
- Improvements to the Image Search UX
Bug fixes:
- Error when Edit classification that has features from canvas
- Sorting by Value on QP after applying Auto-Classify
- Error when removing default classifications
- Bug when using the drawings list within the editor
- Text Markup: Alignment setting for the Text markup switches back
- icons in checkboxes messed up in Togal drop-down
- Export: Sorting does not work when Grouping is applied
- Certain errors that appear when clicking ‘Export PDF’ button
- Export: Sorting by Quantities doesn't work correctly