1. Togal Support
  2. Performing Takeoffs

Version History & Snapshot

The Version History feature allows you to revert to a previous saved version of your project, while the Snapshot function enables you to create a permanent save point for your current sheet.

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Version History

The Version History feature lets you restore your project to an earlier saved state of your sheet. The system automatically saves your takeoff work, so you can recover previous work if it was accidentally deleted. You can also create a Snapshot, which is a permanent save point of your current sheet, to restore it later.

To use Version History:

  1. Click the "History" button on the left side of your screen
  2. After clicking, a menu will appear at the bottom, showing a timeline of all the saved versions of the page you're working on.
  3. Each green dot represents a saved version from that day. Multiple numbers next to a dot indicate several automatic saves during that session. Click a green dot to view the timestamp of each version.
  4. To preview the work from a specific point in time, click the "Preview" button on the right side. A snapshot of your takeoff work from that date and time will be displayed.
  5. To restore a version, click "Restore to this Version." If you decide to keep your current version, click "Reset to Current."


The Snapshot function enables you to create a permanent, named version of your current work for future reference. This can be useful for saving important milestones in your project.

To create a Snapshot:

  1. Click the "Snapshot" button on the left side of your screen.
  2. A menu will appear, prompting you to name the Snapshot. After entering the name, click "Confirm."

Snapshots are easy to spot on the Version History timeline because they are highlighted with gold lettering. This color indicates that it is a previously created Snapshot, making it easy for you to identify and reference your important saved versions.


1. The Snapshot function works one page at a time. If you want to create Snapshots for your entire project, repeat the process for each individual sheet.

2. The Version History function cannot recover deleted classifications. It only restores polygons removed from the canvas menu and does not apply to classifications within the quantity panel.